ETSY connects people looking for unique items with independent sellers all over the world. Each item on ETSY is listed and sold by a seller who creates handmade items or curates vintage or craft supply goods. There’s no ETSY warehouse. When you shop on ETSY, you’re directly supporting independent sellers who manage their own orders and inventory.If you want to be an independent seller on ETSY, Limunis will help you at this point. Learn how our team can help your business by contacting us online today. Or, chat with one of our experienced ETSY strategists by giving us a ring at +90 212 343 33 40

Learn more about our packages for ETSY account management below!

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What do our ETSY Shop & Marketplace Launch Services include?

When you partner with Limunis for the setup and management of your ETSY Shop, you receive a comprehensive set of deliverables that maximize your success on ETSY. That can increase your sales and revenue, as well as online visibility in ETSY search results. Explore a few features of our ETSY Shop management services:

Etsy Shop Optimization

For businesses with an established presence on ETSY, our team audits your shop and optimizes it for driving sales and shop awareness. These optimizations can include a series of changes, from a complete redesign to a shop update on your displayed products.

Product Listing Optimization

We improve the online visibility of your ETSY Shop, as well as your products, by optimizing your listings — if you’re new to ETSY, our team also adds your products to your shop. We optimize your products by creating compelling product descriptions and optimizing your products’ category and sub-category classification.

Competitor Analysis

Before we create or optimize your shop, your dedicated ETSY Account Management Specialist conducts in-depth research into your competitors on ETSY. We assess their products and advertisements to develop a design and optimization strategy that makes you their toughest competitor.

Etsy Ads Management

The daily budget for ETSY ads is determined and the products are included in the advertisement, then the daily budget and the products exiting the advertisement are tested for efficiency, adding or subtracting products and checking the daily budget if necessary. Your dedicated ETSY Account Management Specialist manages all ads processes for your ETSY shop.

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